author:Zang Fusheng
state:in the series
In the sweltering province of Sush, despite the temperature reaching 30°C, standing under a tree still offered a refreshing coolness.,Room 504 was a gathering place for gamblers. When Zhang Fan knocked on the door, a voice inside shouted at him, "Dealer, you've been slacking off lately. If you don't come soon, I'll starve to death. Hurry up, two packs of braised meat and two eggs.",Over the past twenty years, I've finally managed to scrape together enough money for tuition. Zhang Fan took a wad of cash and paid his tuition, looking at the receipt in his hand, Zhang Fan had a feeling of MMP. He spent all year working hard just to make enough money for tuition and living expenses. To take a shortcut, he just casually made up the amount.。